
How Blast Freezing Improves the Quality of Fish - Fish Club

How Blast Freezing Improves the Quality of Fish

When shipping and storing fish or any other type of food product, the method of freezing can be a significant influence on how the finished product tastes and looks. Blast...

How Blast Freezing Improves the Quality of Fish

When shipping and storing fish or any other type of food product, the method of freezing can be a significant influence on how the finished product tastes and looks. Blast...

关于斗鲳,你不知道的事 Did You Know? - Fish Club

关于斗鲳,你不知道的事 Did You Know?

象征福气的好鱼 由于“鲳”字与“昌”字同音,斗鲳被视为带有“吉祥昌盛,年年有余”的好兆头,因此每逢新年佳节,斗鲳都是每家每户餐桌上不可缺少的一条好鱼。斗鲳肉质细嫩,肉厚刺少,含有丰富鱼脂。来自笨珍的斗鲳更是与其他海域不同,其口味带有一种独特的清甜鲜香。烹煮方式多元化,推荐少许调味清蒸,保留原汁原味。    

关于斗鲳,你不知道的事 Did You Know?

象征福气的好鱼 由于“鲳”字与“昌”字同音,斗鲳被视为带有“吉祥昌盛,年年有余”的好兆头,因此每逢新年佳节,斗鲳都是每家每户餐桌上不可缺少的一条好鱼。斗鲳肉质细嫩,肉厚刺少,含有丰富鱼脂。来自笨珍的斗鲳更是与其他海域不同,其口味带有一种独特的清甜鲜香。烹煮方式多元化,推荐少许调味清蒸,保留原汁原味。    

Trout vs. Salmon: All You Need to Know - Fish Club

Trout vs. Salmon: All You Need to Know

If you only know the names of two fish in the world, they’ll probably be Salmon and Trout. These guys are the most popular fish on the market. They’re also...

Trout vs. Salmon: All You Need to Know

If you only know the names of two fish in the world, they’ll probably be Salmon and Trout. These guys are the most popular fish on the market. They’re also...

Know What: Farm-Raised vs Wild-Caught - Fish Club

Know What: Farm-Raised vs Wild-Caught

In a world where we can get just about any type of food from land or sea delivered from just about anywhere in the world, it can be difficult to...

Know What: Farm-Raised vs Wild-Caught

In a world where we can get just about any type of food from land or sea delivered from just about anywhere in the world, it can be difficult to...